
Neutral Space Relaxation®


Practitioners of Neutral Space Relaxation

Elizabeth  is a Qualified Advanced Practitioner and Facilitator of Neutral-Space Relaxation® Introduction Day and Practitioner Course.

Elizabeth is a member of the Federation of Holistic Therapists. Her studies include Yoga, Meditation, Reiki healing, Holistic Healing, Cranial Sacral Therapy, Myofascial Release techniques, Hot Stone Massage and Advanced Reflexology.

She is a qualified ITEC Holistic Massage Practitioner and Reflexologist with two private practices - including at the Dyke Road Clinic.

The Wilbury school is within the Worthing Osteopathic & Wellbeing Clinic, 140 South Street, Worthing, BN14 7NB

The Wilbury School, Brighton, UK Elizabeth Ross-Talbot  Neutral Sapce Relaxation Facilitator. West Sussex UK The Wilbury School of Reflexology and Massage with Neutral Space Relaxation

Click for Info on Neutral-Space Relaxation Intro

See Diary for more dates and courses

Elizabeth Ross-Talbot

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