
Neutral Space Relaxation®


Practitioners of Neutral Space Relaxation

Samantha Rowland

Sam is a Qualified Practitioner of

Neutral Space Relaxation®

Hove, West Sussex UK

To connect  email:

Neutral Space Practitioner - Samantha Rowland, Hove, Sussex UK

See Diary for more dates and courses

Click for Info on Neutral-Space Relaxation Intro

 I have been running my own Holistic Therapy business, Absolute Massage, for 13 years.

My journey into therapy started 28 years ago, when my eldest daughter was a baby and I enrolled on a Reflexology course at a local community college. Although I didn't practice it professionally at that time, I learnt a lot and used it to help my late Stepfather, George, who had been very unwell following a gastrectomy after stomach cancer. He really seemed to benefit from the sessions, and was instrumental in encouraging me to do some more training and pursue a career in Holistic Therapy, which I embarked on 20 years ago.

I enrolled on a VTCT Reflexology course in Brighton, and went on to do an Advanced techniques course. From there, my learning journey lead me to study Indian Head Massage and Body Massage and eventually I added skills such as Deep Tissue techniques, and Manual Lymphatic Drainage.

I have always been interested in the connection between the mind and the body, and deeply recognise the value in supporting clients in a nurturing and holistic way. I recently completed a course in Body Listening, which is based on Body Psychology principles, and has given me some deeper insights into the way our bodies hold stress and trauma, and approaches to help to release it.

I was drawn to the Neutral Space Relaxation course a while ago , and I was very fortunate to experience my training with the founders, Graham and Lyn, who took me through the learning process, step by step, and taught me some valuable understanding in how to truly bring ourselves into a state of deep relaxation.

With love Sam